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Create A Customer Experience To Remember

Your success begins and ends with finding the right people. Staff CX has the expert customer service recruiting solutions you need to make your first line of defense your best level of offense.

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Trust Staff CX For All Of Your Customer Service Staffing Needs

To accel­er­ate your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, reduce hir­ing costs, and boost your bot­tom line, count on Staff CX to pro­vide the best high-vol­ume recruit­ing solu­tions for cus­tomer ser­vice jobs, call cen­ter jobs, and exec­u­tive-lev­el positions.

Protect Your Biggest Investment. Your Workforce.

Your work­force is the best invest­ment you can make in the future of your com­pa­ny, one that will pay a wealth of div­i­dends in the future. Fueled by the inno­v­a­tive tal­ent acqui­si­tion strate­gies cul­ti­vat­ed by founder Arman­do Cas­tro, Staff CX con­sis­tent­ly retains the abil­i­ty to iden­ti­fy the right tal­ent for the right roles. Our diverse and inclu­sive cus­tomer ser­vice staffing mod­el attracts can­di­dates with the ide­al blend of expe­ri­ence and inter­per­son­al skills to take you to the top.

Find Employees That Work How, When, And Where You Need Them

Just a few short years ago, the corporate world had never heard of the “Great Resignation” or “quiet quitting”. Now, these simple terms have come to the forefront of global business culture, leaving employers struggling to hire, retain, and motivate talented employees, while meeting their not-so-subtle demands for employment.

Some workers are purposefully distancing themselves from their work life, doing the bare minimum to get by, but certainly not giving their best. This “quiet quitting” culture is threatening the productivity of every organization, and Staff CX is here to ensure you don’t fall victim to motivational shortfalls.

As a leading recruitment process outsourcing company, we understand that working from home is not a viable option in many industries. This is why our call center staffing and customer service staffing processes focus on finding employees that are intrinsically motivated, with a desire to work hard, take pride in their work, and thrive either at home or in the office.

We know that it has become increasingly difficult to find the right employees who will give you their best, no questions asked. Our talented pool of candidates has the right skills to be productive in any environment and the passion to give you 100% - every day.

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Meet the CEO

Arman­do Cas­tro built his busi­ness from the ground up, begin­ning as a call cen­ter agent in Jr. High School, and is now a savvy indus­try leader with over 30 years of expe­ri­ence in build­ing, grow­ing, and man­ag­ing cus­tomer engage­ment cen­ters across the globe.

Pri­or to found­ing Staff CX, Arman­do was Vice Pres­i­dent of Glob­al Sales, Solu­tions and Strat­e­gy for VXI Glob­al Solu­tions, where his dili­gent work eth­ic played a key role in his career tra­jec­to­ry. Dur­ing his tenure at VXI, he worked his way up from call agent to VP, built more than 7 con­tact cen­ter deliv­ery cen­ters, and hired over 25,000 employ­ees in the past 12 years. His decades of mul­ti­fac­eted indus­try expe­ri­ence made him who he is today, and gave him an in-depth under­stand­ing of what it takes to cre­ate a seam­less con­sumer expe­ri­ence from start to finish.

Bol­stered by his pas­sion for cre­at­ing incred­i­ble cus­tomer expe­ri­ences, Arman­do found­ed Staff CX to con­nect call cen­ters and oth­er cus­tomer ser­vice estab­lish­ments with the right tal­ent to grow their business.

Staffing The Right Talent, In The Right Place, At the Right Time

When you need urgent high-volume call center recruiting and customer service staffing, the team at Staff CX will work with speed and efficiency to provide the best hiring solutions to meet your unique organizational needs. Our agile recruiting solutions allow you to maximize internal resources, scale growth, improve employee retention, and reduce hiring costs for contact center jobs by an average of 50%.

Our team recruits for every organizational level, from customer service jobs to senior executive positions, and we’ll help shape the perfect team before your eyes.

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Whatever you need from your career, you’ll find it here. Search our variety of job opportunities to find the role that provides the benefits, company culture, and flexibility you deserve.

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